Sunday, June 23, 2013


Sounds like an odd concept, right? I mean healthy and microwave are not usually placed in the same sphere of thought.
With that being stated, I have had to find a way to make peace between those two worlds since I have been living Dorm style for the past 2 years - with a 6 month bout of a kitchen in between.

So here are some different ideas to make decent and affordable meals with only a refrigerator, a bathroom sink and a microwave.

Lets start with the basic items you may want to own - if you do not already. These can be purchased at any local Target or similar type of store. Consider this a shopping list.

1. Good knife
2. Small cutting board
3. 1 -2 sets of cutlery
4. Food storage system. I use the 3 pack of medium sized Ziplock or Glad plastic tupperware because the price is good and if I can't take it with me, it is not a big expense to replace. If you can afford some good glass ones, that is healthier and better.
5. 1 -2 sets of dishes. Make sure they are microwave safe. Again Target has good ones for pretty cheap.
6. 1-2 coffee cups (ceramic)
7. Dish soap and a sponge. This seems pretty self explanatory.

Next time I will give you a list of basic food items that will give you freedom to enjoy your meals, save money and keep calories to a manageable number.